Turning our face toward Israel
In less than a week, I will be heading to Israel and I am very excited and eager to get going. My travelling companion will be Pastor Phil Leo from Calvin Church in Oak Lawn. Travelling the same day (but on a different airline) and meeting up with us in Israel is Pastor David Adams of Grand Rapids and a Lutheran pastor friend of his. We will be joined by four other CRC representative in a spiritually and personally exciting conference and spiritual pilgrimage through Bethlehem Bible College.
While we adjust to the time change, we hope to do a little sightseeing, vi
siting the Herodian and the Church of the Nativity. We will also tour a business run by a local Christian family. If you see news about Israel this week, think of us, too, and ask God to guard us and encourage us through this time of learning and reflection. Our schedules are full but I hope to keep up with the blog; feel free to check in and respond. Thanks.